Posted at 11:11h
in News

Key words
- Regional development
- Common agricultural policy
We are thrilled to announce that ADE, in a consortium led by ÖIR was selected for the implementation of Lot 7 of the Framework Contract on “Regional Development, Agriculture and Fisheries”, appointed by the European Parliament Research Service (EPRS). This contract will be implemented in partnership with ARCADIA International GEIE, M&E Factory Monitoring and Evaluation GMBH, Spatial Foresight GMBH and T33 SRL.
The studies will provide the EPRS expertise on the above-mentioned fields regarding ex ante impact assessment, ex post evaluation or stress-testing resistance of EU policies. The investigated topics cover a wide range of areas:
- Regional development (including notably regional, urban and cohesion policy, and the operation of the European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund);
- Agriculture (including notably the operation, development and management of the Common Agricultural Policy (including rural development), forestry, veterinary and plant-health matters, animal feeding-stuffs and animal welfare);
- Fisheries (including notably the operation, development and management of the Common Fisheries Policy, the conservation of fishery resources and international fisheries agreements).