With 30 years of experience in evaluation and data use, ADE provides sound, rigorous and realistic M&E systems meeting clients’ objectives and needs.
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ADE has developed several M&E systems, including the recent and ongoing pluriannual project on Forestry Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) for the European Union. This project demands an innovative approach to monitoring, given the challenge of assessing the impact of a legislation to combat illegal logging and timber trade. The M&E system for FLEGT has generated several opportunities to demonstrate ADE’s entrepreneurial approach to evaluation research. Examples include the formulation of a new integrated Theory of Change, combined from the specific ToCs of each country involved; data collection from multiple sources; and reflecting on experimental approaches to proxy indicators when facing ambiguous measurement issues. The results of our pluriannual effort to monitor the impact of FLEGT have been gathered in a visualisation tool – the first FLEGT Dashboard.
Project examples