ADE has implemented large, comprehensive helpdesks to support clients both in their provision of capacity development and in strengthening capacities within their organization. ADE conducted successive programmes (MKS) to enhance, within the European Commission (DG INTPA), sharing of knowledge, development of methodologies, creation of platforms for exchange of information, trainings, etc. The overall purpose was to improve the quality and results of EU external assistance by providing EC staff in headquarters and Delegations with methodological support and guidance regarding the programming, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development interventions, as well as knowledge sharing support in the sectors of EuropeAid work (including public administration reform, public finance management, climate change, etc.).
Another example is ADE contribution to the FLEGT-VPA open library. This knowledge sharing platform on the FLEGT (EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade) Action Plan focuses on the impact of the Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPA) in partner countries.
ADE also contributes to several guidance documents, among other, in evaluation and in budget support (for the European Commission, the Belgian cooperation, and other development aid agencies).