Fragility, conflict, peace and security

Tackling the interrelated issues causing fragility in a changing and increasingly uncertain global environment represents a major challenge. ADE, specialised in evaluation, provides outstanding research-led work on fragility, conflict, peace and security issues. ADE also supports lesson learning, which has played an important role in advancing peace processes across the globe. We apply “Do No Harm” principles in all our activities.

Over the last decade, development agencies have moved towards a comprehensive approach to foster conflict-sensitive and collaborative action across the conflict cycle. This recognises the need for a multi-dimensional process bringing together humanitarian aid, conflict prevention, security and development, as well as operationalising greater coherence and coordination across complex sets of actors. More recently, the need to build state and societal resilience has become a priority when responding to fragility and instability. The practical application of this integrated approach remains a challenge. Ultimately, real integration requires “true” change in each organisational culture.

Key services include

  • Conducting evaluations informing and guiding clients in their strategic choices and interventions in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
  • Providing methodological support and delivering training for development agencies
  • Conducting and applying conflict analysis in fragile and conflict-affected settings in a coherent and integrated way
  • Participating in international seminars and conferences with the objective of sharing experiences with other practitioners on fragility, conflict, peace and security issues

Project examples


  • UNDP – Western Sahel evaluation on the Socio-economic Impacts and Implications of the COVID-19 Crisis in seven countries (Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Chad, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, and Niger) with a focus on governance and disaster risk reduction (2021).
  • AfDB – Evaluation of the strategy “Address Fragility and Reinforce Resilience in Africa”(2019)
  • EC – African Peace Facility Evaluation – Part 2 “Reviewing the overall implementation” (2013)
  • EC – Evaluation of EU support to conflict prevention and peace building (2011)
  • EC – Evaluation of EU support to justice and security sector reform (2011)
  • Various clients – Aa wide range of country-level evaluations in fragile and conflict-affected settings

Tools & guidance

  • E-learning course on conflict sensitivity, 2017 (in collaboration with International Alert and Swisspeace)
  • Operating in situations of conflict and fragility, An EU staff handbook, 2014