
ADE contributes to devising ways to better understand and deal with the different dimensions of migration. Migration impacts the lives of those who migrate, the societies from which they leave, and the hosting communities. It is a recurrent phenomenon throughout history and in all continents. It concerns refugees from wars or other disasters, and people who migrate for economic reasons.

ADE has in this context for instance studied the approach applied by DANDIA and the UNHCR for the hosting of refugees in Kenya. Another example is the evaluation of the support of the European Commission humanitarian response to the Rohingya refugee crisis.

Project examples

  • ECHO – Evaluation of the EU humanitarian response to the Rohingya refugee crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh (2021)
  • UNHCR / DANIDA – Joint Evaluation of the Integrated Solutions Model in Kalobeyei, Kenya (2020)
  • ENABEL – Mid-term review of the “Project to Support the Reduction of Rural Emigration and Reintegration in the Groundnut Basin area” (PARERBA) in Senegal (2020)
  • ECHO – Evaluation of the EU’s humanitarian interventions in India and Nepal (2018)