Key words
- Environment and climate change
Since the period 2012-2015, marked by the New Deal on Energy for Africa (NDEA 2016-2025), the African Development Bank (AfDB) has promoted many initiatives to support renewable energy, both via lending and non-lending interventions, and the Bank dedicated an increasing share of its portfolio to innovative projects in solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and other green energies.
On behalf of AfDB’s Independent Evaluation Department (IDEV), ADE is currently conducting an evaluation looking at how effective the Bank assistance to renewable energy sector have been since 2012. Even though the Bank’s interventions have already been evaluated, either at the level of operations or at the level of strategic country or sectoral assessments (recent examples from ADE in Egypt and Gabon), this will be a first evaluation of the Bank exclusively focused on renewable energy as a sector.
ADE is the evaluation leader.