ADE attended the DeGEval Spring Workshop on Structural Policy

Key words
  • Regional development
  • Common agricultural policy
  • Agricultural value chains
  • Environment and climate change

As a leading company in public policy evaluation, ADE has a strong interest in staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the field of structural policy evaluation, as it informs our own work in policy analysis.

The DeGEval Spring Workshop included the presentations of a range of experts on topics including:

  • An AI-based analysis of Cohesion Evaluation
  • The evaluation of LEADER programs
  • The use of satellite data for impact assessment in the Cohesion Policy

The DeGEval Spring Workshop on Structural Policy is an annual event that brings together experts from academia, government, and the private sector to discuss the latest research and best practices in structural policy evaluation. The workshop is a forum for sharing knowledge and experience, and for developing new approaches to evaluation.

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