Key words
- Public financial management
- Private sector development
- Development finance and blending
- Environment and climate change
ADE conducted the evaluation for the AfDB’s Independent Evaluation Department (IDEV) the evaluation of the AfDB’s activities in Gabon during two Country Strategy Papers (CSPs) covering the periods 2011-2015 and 2016-2020. The objective of the study was to provide an independent assessment of the results achieved in view of the objectives set as well as the factors that contributed to the results. The study was conducted with the aim of providing useful recommendations for subsequent programming cycles.
Gabon’s context during the period under review is that of a country heavily dependent on a non-renewable natural resource whose price fluctuates sharply, oil. AfDB activities were therefore geared towards supporting economic diversification, including the exploitation of the potential of the tropical forest covering most of the territory. Furthermore, the activities reviewed also include a social dimension of sharing prosperity as well as a dimension of support for improving economic governance, including the business climate and economic environment (e.g. transport and telecommunications sectors).
The final report can be found here.