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in News

Key words
- Food security
- Humanitarian response
- Gender and youth
The CSPE focuses on assessing the four strategic outcomes defined by the CSP to address the current humanitarian crisis:
- Food-insecure refugees – including school-age children – and crisis-affected host populations have access to life-saving, nutritious and affordable food throughout the year.
- Vulnerable women and men in targeted refugee and Lebanese communities sustainably improve their skills, capacities and livelihood opportunities by 2020.
- Vulnerable populations in Lebanon are enabled to meet their basic food needs all year long.
- National institutions and national and international humanitarian actors are supported in their efforts to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their assistance.
It also focuses on key themes such as the implementation of WFP’s gender equality policy, accountability to affected populations (AAP), and WFP’s partnership strategy, including strategic positioning in complex and changing contexts.
More information on this assignment here.