EU COVID-19 Response in Partner Countries – Evaluation launched

Key words
  • Budget support
  • Covid-19
  • Health

In response to the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic the European Union (EU) issued, in April 2020, a joint communication on its global response to COVID-19 in which it announced a substantial package of aid to help partner countries fight the pandemic.


The EU response (Team Europe) was global, and focused on vulnerable groups and addressing three priorities:

  • providing an emergency response to the immediate health crisis and the resulting humanitarian needs;
  • strengthening health, water and sanitation systems;
  • addressing the immediate social and economic consequences.


The country packages mostly entailed reorienting, prioritising and accelerating existing actions into COVID-19 related interventions, but some new funding was also included.


The general objective of this evaluation will be to collect early evidence and provide an independent assessment of the EU’s response (as provided by the EU institutions, EU Member States, EIB and EBRD) to the COVID-19 crisis in support of partner countries and regions. This evaluation will seek to be a stock-taking, lesson-learning and forward-looking exercise on the objectives of the new Team Europe approach and their achievement.

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