Key words
- Private sector development
- Job creation and training
- Gender and youth
BeniBiz (2017-2022), co-financed by the Embassy of the Netherlands and the Swiss Cooperation Office, aims to strengthen economic opportunities and empowerment of entrepreneurs in Benin, with a special focus on young people and women. BeniBiz’ objective is to stimulate the growth of micro and small enterprises, hence reducing youth unemployment, and among other, strengthening economic autonomy of young men and women as well as developing local economic network. BeniBiz is implemented by TechnoServe and BOPInc and has an institutional anchoring in three ministries (agriculture, SMEs and Finance).
ADE conducted an exploratory mission in Cotonou (January 2022) to meet key stakeholders, local partners, and to prepare data collection activities that will be carried out in February-March 2022 on around 800 entrepreneurs (survey using the CAPI-G, Computed Assisted Personal Interview in Group approach developed by ADE, which has proven to be efficient and reliable).