Framework contract management

A ‘framework contract’ is a large multi-year umbrella agreement under which multiple specific requests or studies are being launched or tendered over its duration.

Since 2000, ADE has led or participated in numerous Framework Contract Agreements for major institutions and in different fields. Our leadership skills in the management of large consortia and our collaboration with partners are widely recognised. 

Framework Contract Agreements are conducted for different Directorates General of the European Commission (DG INTPA -formerly DEVCO-, NEAR, ECHO, AGRI, HOME, HEALTH & FOOD, COMP) and for other clients such as the World Food Programme, Enabel (Belgian Development Agency), the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and RVO Netherlands.

ADE has track record success in the overall management of framework contracts (FWCs). This includes coordination with partners for the submission of numerous offers, expert selection, proposal writing, contract management, project monitoring, back-office support, and quality assurance.

ADE also implements a range of specific projects within the FWCs, relying on both our in-house staff and freelance experts.

Project examples

  • EU DG INPTA, DG NEAR and FPI (EU External relations): SEA 2023 FWC
  • EU DG INPTA, DG NEAR and FPI (EU External relations): FWC EVA 2020 for Strategic Evaluations (ADE as Consortium Leader)
  • EU DG INPTA, DG NEAR and FPI (EU External relations): SIEA 2018 FWC
    • Lot 5 – Budget Support (ADE as Consortium Leader).
    • Lot 6 – Innovative Financing for Development (ADE as Consortium Leader).
    • Lot 1 – Sustainable management of natural resources and resilience (ADE as Consortium Participant).
    • Lot 2 – Infrastructure, sustainable growth, and jobs (ADE as Consortium Participant).
    • Lot 3 – Human rights, democracy, and peace (ADE as Consortium Participant).
  • EU DG ECHO (Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection): FWC for Strategic Evaluations of EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (Consortium Leader)
  • EU DG AGRI: FWC for Analytical Services on Environmental and Climate Aspects of Agriculture as Well as Animal Welfare, Animal and Plant Health, and Forestry (2024-2029)
  • EU DG AGRI: FWC for Evaluation studies of Common Agriculture Policy measures contributing to the general objective of balanced territorial development.
  • EU DG Health and Food Safety: FWC Lot 2 FOOD – Evaluation, impact assessment, monitoring and implementation and of other related services, in relation to health and food policies.
  • EU DG HOME FWC: Lot 1 – Technical and Support Services in the field of irregular migration.
  • EU DG COMP FWC: Evaluation and Impact Assessment Studies in the area of State Aid policy.
  • ENABEL Belgian Cooperation:
    • Lot 1: Mid-term and final evaluations of projects/programmes in the fields of agriculture, inclusive economic growth, infrastructure, energy, productive sectors, and cross-sectoral themes (gender, human rights, HIV AIDS, environment, capacity building).
  • Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
    • FWC Lot 1 – Qualitative Effect Evaluations
    • FWC Lot 2 – Qualitative and Quantitative Effect Evaluations.
  • Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO):
    • FWC Evaluation Lot 1 – Effects Evaluation
    • FWC Evaluation Lot 2 – Impact Evaluation
  • Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation: FWC NORAD – REDD+ and Green economy
  • World Food Programme: Long Term Agreement for Evaluation Services, notably Strategic Evaluations, Policy Evaluations, and Country Strategic Plan Evaluations (CSPEs).