Impact evaluation

Bringing academic standards and policy reality together.

  • Fully-fledged impact evaluations from baseline to endline relying on strong in-house expertise
  • Rigorous mixed methods approach
  • Innovative approaches to collecting reliable first-hand data and using sound secondary data
  • High-quality data analysis to produce evidence-based findings
  • Participatory approach and sensemaking process
  • Network of academics and local experts
  • Active knowledge sharing at academic, institutional and government levels

ADE offers strong in-house expertise in impact evaluation using a rigorous mixed methods approach from evaluation design to data visualisation and policy briefs. We conduct fully-fledged impact evaluations from baseline to endline, but also assist in data management, data analysis, and the development of impact monitoring and evaluation systems.

Working on the edge of research and consultancy, ADE provides a relevant and realistic design for each situation to capture and measure changes, and to assess attribution/contribution. We implement experimental, quasi-experimental design, but also make use of process tracing, contribution analysis, qualitative comparative analysis. We team up with academic researchers and a large network of local experts to combine the most up-to-date techniques with the field and context knowledge.

Our innovative approach to collecting reliable first-hand data targets a wide range of stakeholders and uses sound secondary data to produce rigorous data analysis and evidence-based findings.

ADE generates high-quality data analysis making use of different data sources (geo-spatial data, big data, household surveys, etc.) to produce evidence-based findings and formulate actionable recommendations for policymakers.

We value a participatory approach and sensemaking process to increase learning and capacity transfers, as well as to ensure relevance of findings and recommendations.

Some of our staff teach impact evaluation in practice at a range of universities (Université libre de Bruxelles, Georgetown University, University of Namur, Luxembourg University). We also contribute to learning process activities on rigorous impact evaluation, and actively participate in international conferences.

Project examples

  • EIB – Impact evaluation on gender empowerment from water infrastructure investment – developing a gender sensitive index for EIB investment (ongoing)
  • Rikolto – End-line impact assessment of the 2017-2021 DGD-funded programme implemented by Rikolto (2021)
  • IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative –  Farmfit Program Impact Evaluation (2021)
  • EC – CIFOR – FLEGT-AP Global Monitoring and Evaluation tool (2019)
  • EC – CIFOR – Impact Studies in 7 VPA countries (2019)
  • Belgian Cooperation / ADA – Impact evaluation (from baseline to endline) of the LIVE programme in Rwanda, food security system for most vulnerable populations in rural areas (2018)
  • Belgian Cooperation / APEFE – Impact evaluation (from baseline to endline) of the Min Ajliki programme in Morocco, women empowerment and entrepreneurship programme (2017)
  • SES (NGO sector) – Impact evaluation of Rice value chain programme in Indonesia (2016)
  • SES (NGO sector) – Impact evaluation of chicken and sun flowers programme in Tanzania (2016)
  • SES (NGO sector) – Impact evaluation of water access programme for rural population in Peru (2016)
  • SES (NGO sector) – Impact evaluation of advocacy programme in the Philippines (advocacy) (2016)
  • SES (Bilateral cooperation) – Impact evaluation of water access programme for rural population in Senegal (2013)
  • SES (Bilateral cooperation) – impact evaluation of an irrigation programme in rural Morocco (2013)
  • SES (Bilateral cooperation) – impact evaluation of a vocational training programme in Democratic Republic of the Congo (2013)
  • SES (Bilateral cooperation) – impact evaluation of a health project in Rwanda (2013)