Gender and youth

Empowering women and youth is an effective pathway to addressing poverty and education, and to building more inclusive societies. At ADE, we systematically incorporate a gender-sensitive approach in our evaluations.

ADE has experience in conducting thematic evaluations focusing on policies to prevent gender-based violence and the marginalisation of women impacted by humanitarian crisis and displacements. ADE has also developed expertise to evaluate women empowerment indicators impacted through different types of programmes such as entrepreneurial support for women and access to water.

Project examples

  • EIB – Impact evaluation on gender empowerment from water infrastructure investment – developing a gender sensitive index for EIB investment (2021 – 2024)
  • EC- Evaluation of the implementation of the DG ECHO Gender policy (2020)
  • Belgian cooperation / APEFE – Impact evaluation of the Min Ajliki Programme (2017-2021) supporting women’s entrepreneurship in Morocco (2018)
  • Belgian cooperation / ADA – Impact evaluation of LIVE project in Rwanda (2017-2021), supporting the rural very poor and marginalized people (2017)