Macroeconomic policies

Macroeconomic policies matter for sustainable long-term growth, the continuity of public services and providing support to the vulnerable. Macroeconomic policy typically involves the use of both fiscal and monetary policies. It aims to enhance growth and maintain low inflation and unemployment rates. ADE supports national and international development agencies, governments, and civil society in analysing macroeconomic trends and examining macroeconomic policy options. ADE also contributes to strengthening the macroeconomic capacity of governments. This enables countries to increase government revenue and maintain macroeconomic stability.

Key services include

  • Assessing macroeconomic performance and growth-enhancing structural reforms as well as political, administrative, and economic constraints
  • Strengthening capacity for macroeconomic and fiscal forecasts, macroeconomic analysis, medium-term budgeting, budget preparation, statistics, etc.
  • Building macroeconomic models to test hypotheses and analyse data
  • Conducting strategic evaluations encompassing macroeconomic management, domestic revenue mobilisation, employment and private sector development

Project examples

Technical assistance

  • EC – Short-term technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of the foresight and financial policy analysis unit of the Directorate General for resources and balances – Tunisia (2019-2021)
  • EC – Capacity strengthening of the financial studies and forecasting department in the field of modelling – Morocco (2019-2020)


  • EC – Evaluation of EU’s Collect More Spend Better (2020-2023)
  • EC – Evaluation of EU State Building Contracts (2019-2020)
  • AfDB and EC – Wide range of strategic level evaluations covering support to macroeconomic policies


  • UNDP – Equatorial Guinea – Rapid macroeconomic assessment of the COVID-19 crisis in Equatorial Guinea (2020)