Common agricultural policy

ADE has been evaluating the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the last 30 years, with a focus on the first and second pillars. Evaluations are performed at the EU level for the European Commission (DG Agriculture and Rural Development) or at member state or regional levels for the respective ministries. We are familiar with both the Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF) and the Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (PMEF) currently under development. ADE is recognised for implementing both qualitative and advanced quantitative evaluation methodologies.

ADE currently manages the DG-AGRI Framework Contract for evaluation studies of CAP measures contributing to the general objective of balanced territorial development (2016-2023).  We are also assisting with the preparation of future CAP Strategic Plans for the 2022-2027 period, which encompass direct payments, rural development interventions and market instruments at the national level.

Origin labelling promotes agricultural products and consumer information as a specific dimension of the CAP. These are the policy initiatives closest to European citizens, with strategic objectives such as raising awareness of specific consumption habits, providing consumers with accurate information on food products or opening new market opportunities for EU farmers and the wider food industry. ADE has conducted several evaluations in this area at EU, national and regional levels. These include a Framework Contract dedicated to the internal market (2007-2010) and an evaluation of the overall EU Promotion and information policy in 2011.

Project examples

  • Walloon Region – SPW Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment – Support for the design and implementation of the post-2020 CAP Strategic Plan in Wallonia through the provision of a CAP aid simulator (2021)
  • Luxembourg – Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Consumer Protection. Support on the development of the SWOT and needs analysis for the 2021-2027 CAP programming in Luxembourg (2021)
  • EC – Framework Contract for evaluation of CAP Measures contributing to the general objectives of Balanced Territorial Development at EU level. The first four studies include evaluation of CAP’s impact on generational renewal in rural areas; socio-economic effects of CAP; knowledge exchange, advisory activities, innovation and ‘Links between the rural economy and development actions’ (LEADER) (2020)
  • Walloon Region – SPW Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment – Evaluation of the Walloon Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (2020)
  • EC – Impact evaluation of a three-year campaign aimed at improving the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables in France and Hungary (2020)
  • French Ministry of Agriculture – Study on the labelling of the origin of milk and meat in processed food-products, a pilot project in France (2018)
  • EC – Evaluation of measures for agriculture carried out for the Overseas Regions (POSEI) and the Smaller Aegean Islands (2015-2016)
  • Walloon Region – Evaluation of School Fruit Programme (2014)